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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Granada  
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Results Granada


5. How did they show respect for bread in the old days?

a) Did they have more respect for bread in the old days than they do now? ¿Why?

Yes: 16.
For its religious significance: 15
For its scarcity: 1
For the standard of living : 1
For its part in the alimentary culture: 1
No: 0.


“There was more respect for bread, If some fell on the floor, It was kissed, and those present said, ¨the bread is God¨

“Yes, there was more respect; this is illustrated by the fact that if bread fell on the floor, it was picked up and kissed, because it was considered that the bread represented Christ.

“Our food culture and our religion were very closely linked; because of this, there was more respect for bread then than there is today.¨

b) Was bread used more in the house?

Yes: 15.
No: --
Did not respond: 1


“They always saved left-over bread breadcrumbs to use in a cotton bag or in a ceramic jar so that it stayed soft. They used leftovers to use in dishes such as soup, or they made breadcrumbs to be used when making escalopes, or as stuffing .¨

c) Does the way in which bread was kept in the old days have anything to do with the respect which was felt for bread? ¿How was bread kept?

Cotton bags: 10
Ceramic jars: 3
Tin boxes: 2
Special cupboards: 1
Basket of esparto grass or cane: 2
In the larder: 1
Did not respond: 1


“They always used to put the extra bread in a cotton bag, or in a special ceramic pot so that it didn´t go hard.¨

¨Before, they used to keep the bread wrapped up in cloths, and in air-tight cupboards.¨

“There were many methods of keeping the bread: for example, in baskets made from esparto or cane, and agave fibre, in the larder in the kitchen, tied up in a cloth, or kept in a drawer of the table.¨


a) Do you like to eat bread?

Yes: 14
No: 1
A little: 1

Can you imagine your daily intake of food without the need for bread?

Yes: 6
No: 9
Don´t know: 1


“Yes, I can´t imagine living without bread every day.¨ “I could have a meal without bread, if I had to, for example if I was on a diet.

b) When do you eat bread ( breakfast, lunch, supper, between meals, at different times during the day, when you are hungry)?

Breakfast: 10
Lunch: 14S
Supper: 7

7. Are there still rituals to be followed when using bread?

(for example...

  • when preparing the dough and cooking it
  • when it is served or when it is put away
  • during meals: how it is cut and shared out
  • as a food given to the poor and to beggars
  • when saying grace
  • as a means of welcoming a guest
  • when moving house )

Yes: 1
No: 14
Don´t know: 1


“I don´t know about nowadays. In my house they never throw bread away, it is always eaten to the last slice. I remember that in my house as a child, my father cut the bread at the table, and white bread was bought in pounds.¨

“Rituals when using pan don´t exist nowadays. I don´t know about any when preparing the dinner table, only that it is always placed in an important place on the table. There are no rituals in other situations.¨

“ There are very few rituals left. In my house, my wife always makes the sign of the cross with the knife.¨

“There are many rituals: in saying grace, during the mass, the blessing of the bread at the table, the gift of bread to newly-weds, as a symbol of plenty and of thanks to God.¨

“Of course nowadays the beggars don´t want bread; they want money.”