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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Ulm  
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Result Analysis


Rituals in connection with bread

Are there still existing rituals in connection with bread?
Nearly a quarter part of the questioned people do know rituals:

  • Salt and bread as a gift when moving into a new home or as wedding gift (fortunate, bread is always available)"
  • Thanksgiving day. Bread on the altar
  • Breaking bread as a sign of community
  • Sign of cross before baking - religious reasons
  • Praying before the meal (making the sign of cross)
  • Bread as a gift (also sweet bread, twisted bread)
  • Different dealing of bread in European countries (cutting or breaking)
  • Giving bread to the poor people

Brot u. Salz Erntefest
K. Prochorov, Russisches Brot und 
Salz, 1999, DBM
Feier des Erntefestes in Ulm 1817, DBM


"Bread for the bride and bridegroom, so that they never will miss bread"
"Breaking bread as a sign of community"
"In Germany the bread is spread , in other countries not (supposedly Mediteranean countries)
"For house moving we gave a nice baked bread corona with a deepening for salt"
"An Easter twisted bread baked by our own"
"As teacher I use to eat bread with the pupils at the beginning of the pause with the purpose to teach them careful handling of bread".
"When moving to a new house , bread and salt shall bring fortune"
"Bread must be cut always evenly" (good housewife)
"Before baking, a cross is marked in the dough".