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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Ulm  
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Result Analysis


Popularity of Bread
a: Do you like bread and can you imagine your daily menu plan without bread?
Nearly all interviewed persons confirmed the popularity of bread and that they cannot imagine a day without it (age group 66-74 years) Some few said that they do not eat bread every day or even that they do not like bread (age group 50 -60 years).
b: When do you eat bread ?
Most part eat bread for breakfast and supper, some few for every meal or at different opportunities.
Brot wann?


"I like very much to eat bread, all bread types. We like to change, also sometimes a Brezel or baguette".

Most people in Germany like to eat bread very much, specially at breakfast and supper. Bread is delicious.