  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Ulm  
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Bread in the Change of Time

a) Which sorts of bread (also bread rolls, etc.) did you eat in your childhood and youth?
b) Which do you like today the most? 
c) Do you like bread from other countries?


2. Which value does bread have in the life of men? Do you think, that one can live well also without bread?


a) How was bread handled in the various times in your life?
b) Was bread always there for everyone in your family to help themselves whenever they wanted?
c) Do you remember stories or did you experienced yourself times, when there was a shortage of bread?


a) Which role did bread play in the diet in the past?
b) Were there differences?
1) Between children and adults 
2) Between women and men
3) Between town and country, people who worked in the factories and in the farms


5. How was respect for bread shown in the past?
a) Did people have greater respect for bread in the past then they have today? Why do you think this is?
b) Did they handle bread more economically in the households?
c) Does the way of keeping bread say something about the respect for bread? How was it kept?


a) Do you like to eat bread and could you image your daily diet without bread?
b) When do you eat bread (at breakfast, lunch, between meals, in the evening, at different times during the day, when you are hungry)?


7. Are there still rituals kept today in handling bread?
(for example during
 - preparation of the dough and baking
 - serving and storing of bread
 - during eating: cutting and dividing bread
 - making gifts of bread: to the poor and beggars
 - thanking with bread
 - greeting with bread
 - moving into a new house)


Personal data:

Date of Birth:
Place of birth:
Ort: Land/Stadt
Profession (employment), which you practiced the longest during your professional life ( kind of the employment):