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M.&H. Schwiebert


MÜHLENBROT (Miller's Bread)

Horst Schwiebert


Marlies Schwiebert

In an old wind mill in Lower Saxony (North-Germany), which now is used as Mill and Bakery Museum, are baked 3 types of bread only for local events or festivals or visits of bigger visitor groups. The following types are baked according to traditional recipes:

  • A rustic wholemeal bread of 100% rye flour and rye meal
  • A rustic wheat(rye mix bread of 50% wheat and 50% rye flour
  • A rustic raisin bread of 100% wheat flour

An original bakery of the year 1903 is available for the hobby baking with natural ingredients like they were used at the beginning of 1900.


Discription of the breads:

Miller's Bread is an invented name indicating that the bread is really baked in a mill. The wholemeal rye bread is baked in 2 pounds loaves, with a firm crumb and a floured topping of the crust. The taste is mildly sour.

The wheat/rye mix bread and raisin bread is baked in tins of one an a half pound. There is a high demand of these types of bread in the public during "baking day".

History an Tradition:

It is not known since when these types of bread are available in the relative region. Certainly they were the usual bread types already baked by the bakers or an farms before 1900. The production is taking some time because of the use of sour dough, so that one can assume that they were not baked every day, but only every 2 weeks perhaps. The wheat/rye mix bread with a high amount of wheat flour was baked for special events and the raisin bread only on sunday because wheat flour was more expensive at that time.

Our personal relation to the bread::

The rustic ehole meal rye bread has become our favorite bread type, not only because of the nice taste, but also because of the special relation we have to the very commited people who are working on the bread baking in their free time wuth the aim to maintain an old tradition of bread baking.


Marlies and Horst Schwiebert