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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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_ Proverbs Granada
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Proverbs Granada


  • It plough well and deep and you will catch bread in abundance.
    The very figured earth produces fruits in abundance.
  • Neither your bread in cakes neither your wine in bosses.
    The flow should not be used in things that shortly and with easiness they waste away.
  • Not to eat one the pail bread.
    Not to receive from favour a thing without or for their work and effort.
  • Not to have left bread.
    It insinuates the friendship and trust that there is between two or but people.
  • Not to have a bread that to slice.
    It insinuates that there is not a single person among many, worthy of trust.
  • There is not for bread and we will buy "musco."
    It criticise to which lacking the necessary thing spends the money in superfluous things.
  • Don't deny the bread to the poor person that from door to door calls that that he/she becomes trained the road that you can take tomorrow.
    It recommends the practice of the charity because we all can meet some day with the poverty.
  • Not so much bread as cheese.
    It explains the proportion that should stay among the things.
  • So good bread makes here as in France.
    It refers to that if in some part there is some skilled person, they can also be in another part, the same thing that employment or business.
  • The bread, bread and the wine, came.
    It denotes that you should proceed with ingenuousness and frankness.
  • To be in father's bread and of mother or to be in bread.
    To be low the native imperious.
  • To be outside of bread.
    To be emancipated
  • Those threatened eat bread.
    It insinuates that not all the threats are successful.
  • To arrive to one bread of the field.
    It signifies to arrive a disgrace or misfortune no waiting. (Similar to arrive’ ones his Saint Martin)
  • Bread and it came they walk road that not good-looking waiter.
    I It teaches that should take care of the sustenance of those that work, if one wants that they filled their duty.
  • Bread tostón"(burned) gives us, our owner, to throw wants of house.
    It criticise to which gives to another to eat, very toasted bread that he/she costs of chewing.

    Translation: Ramón Ramos