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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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Proverbs Granada


  • Who eats bread of other people's hand, he eats at the hour that they give it to him.
    It means that the given things are to admit them just as they give them without putting repairs.
  • Give me bread and tell me silly.
    It mention similar to precedent.
  • To make a bread like some Host.
    Family expression with which is expressed the mistake or bad success of a thing. Of the other people's goods we are usually very liberal, although greedy of ours.
  • Of the bread and of the stick.
    It should not be used of excessive rigor but mixing the softness and the treat with the punishment.
  • The well weeded bread, it inflates the troj to their master.
    It denotes the advantages that are achieved when they put on in any business the activity or diligence.
  • The bread eaten and the undone company.
    It refers to the ingrate that don't remember the one that made it to him after having received To happen him a difficulty or an unexpected misfortune (resemblance to arrive to one their S. Martin).
  • Rain or don't rain, bread is in Orihuela.
    It indicates that the district of Orihuela is of those but rich of the Kingdom of Valencia.
  • Bread and back street.
    It explains that to one is left the free step so that goes where he wants.
  • Bread and bread with it and bread for to eat.
    He/she explains that a thing is the same one that other and he/she doesn't have new utility although it is pondered as diverse.
  • With you bread and onion
    Figured expression with which you ponder their understanding the lovers or people that are taken well.
  • With bread and wine it came the road it is made.
    It means that the forces if they are not helped with the food they are not able to bear the works and fatigues.
  • Bread and it came, your year and another of your neighbour.
    It still denotes the inequality of the crops in not very distant lands some of others.
  • Why don't you marry John? Because there is very expensive the bread.
    It indicates that one doesn't enter in companies that cause expenses if one doesn't have the means of satisfying them.
  • Bread "puxa" (push) that non herb much.
    It means that the bread is a lot but nutritious that the vegetables.
  • Sliced bread neither full old neither boy.
    It indicates that he/she wastes away the bread with easiness when they are made of him several part.