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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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Proverbs Granada


  • To give to one dog bread.
    It means, to mistreat him.
  • To give bread and back street.
    To liberate one of prison. To stop one in freedom to walk to their wide ones.
  • To give a bread like some nuts.
    To punish or to reprehend some with roughness and rigor.
  • Of my godfather's bread, great"zatico" to my godchild.
    It indicates, that we are prodigal with the goods of others but no of own.
  • Recent bread and grapes, to the waitresses put silent and to the old ones it removes the wrinkles.
    It indicates the substantial and flavourful of these food.
  • To distribute as blessed bread a thing.
    To distribute it in very small portions, with allusion to the blessed bread that is usually given in the Church.
  • You are but good that the bread.
    It is for application to extremely kind people.
  • To be a thing, our bread of every day.
    To happen every day or frequently.
  • To be sold a thing like blessed bread.
    To have a lot of demand of her.
  • But bread and fewer tables clothe.
    It refers to when the things are adorned with superfluous excess and he forget the fundamental thing.
  • He/she has caught him the low bread the arm.
    He/she mentions to that it has captured their will and he/she makes of him what wants.
  • With their bread he/she eats up it.
    Expression with which gives one to understand the indifference with which he/she looks at the behaviour or another person's resolution.
  • But it is worth bread with love that hen with pain.
    It teaches that when there is not love among married or other people, serve of little the wealth and the gift and on the contrary.
  • Who gives bread to other people's dog, it loses the bread and it loses the dog.
    It indicates that the one that makes benefits to unknown people and with interested ends, commonly it loses them.
  • It is an exquisite dish, to wet the bread in fried egg.
    Commentary by itself.