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Bread in Life and Art


There has always been art in the creation of bread; white bread has never been the same as whole grain, nor bread baked in a baker´s the same as bread baked at home, nor rolls the same as bread to be used during the meal; the giant loaves used to break records or to feed thousands at a celebration are definitely not the same as the bread roll.

However, it is only now, when we have a great deal of leisure time, that the creative urge rises, and we look for new art activities which are at hand.
Little by little, pure art is being introduced into the making of bread; it is an object of art both inside and outside. Each day the professionals introduce new styles, which not only make bread more easy to use, ( different types, sizes, more attractive shapes), but also by changing the colour of the crust of the bread by baking it longer. Now bread is presented with trimmings in the shape of flowers, dolls, drawings, etc., details which transform the loaf of bread into something which is displayed in the shop window, and stays there getting harder and harder, because what the proprietor is saying is that this is an establishment in which they underestand bread. There are loaves which nobody could eat because it would be a pain to destroy them, always supposing that they are for sale, which I do not know! The bakers´windows of today can be as attractive and as competivite artistically as the windows of a high fashion dress shop.