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Bread in Life and Art


The soft inside part of the bread can be transformed into a domestic mouldable dough to be used in the creation of the most beautiful artistic items, authentic works of art, whose purity, smoothness, and transparency compete with all other types of materials, but it is also the most easily used and at the reach of whoever has even a minimun of artistic ability. This is not strange when we consider that from clay, a powder very like flour, wetting it, beating it, moulding it and cooking it, arose not only the art but also the strong ceramic industry.

Practically everything, transformed by creative fingers, can become art. Flowers, dolls, animals, houses, trees, landscapes, miniature furniture for doll´s houses, whatever can be made with the soft inside part of the bread, whenever the time is available. The pastry itself is always ready to be used, and doesn´t deteriorate or dry out if it is kept wrapped in a damp cloth, or in a damp place, or, as everybody knows, the best method nowadays, in a plastic bag tightly shut.

As well as this, when the work of art has been formed, it can be left to harden and dry out , and, in a matter of hours, it can be painted and decorated using the most common and simple methods of artistic decoration.
We are talking about the fact that, with bread, we can convert the home into a real artist´s studio, merely by using household items. To learn the techniques, there are bools and manuals available in bookshops or in craft shops, which are everywhere.