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Make your own Bread


The « Bread party »

Generally, the bread party starts at the beginning of a summer afternoon, and ends late in the evening !
The first operation is to light the fire in the oven…, and to maintain it during four hours, to reach a temperature in the vicinity of 270 °C. To know if you have reached this point, look at the ceiling of the oven : in the first hours the colour is black, but when the soot starts its combustion due to the temperature in the oven, then the vault becomes « luminous » and when it is « clean » ready for use.

While heating the oven, you must start the preparation of the dough ; the two actions have to be well coordinated in order to end almost at the same time.
With an oven of this size, one can bake around 7 to 8 loafs of 2 kg each, therefore “hands and arms” are necessary to knead ! Necessary products and quantities of flour, water, etc are detailed in the receipt, at the end of this note.

Fig. 3 The knead

Too much water is not good ! (see photo here by).
You have to knead at least 15 to 20 minutes to obtain a dough consistent enough … Not sticking to your hands

The dough, and also the kneaders, have to « take a rest » more than one hour. Then put the dough in webs during one hour more, to give the appropriate shape.

Fig. 4 Removing the embers.
Remove out the embers from the oven. You may use it for preparation of “Pizzas”, for instance … but they are too hot for making bread.
Embers are put into the « ash tray » and can also be used to roast sausages… to be eaten with the bread !