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Make your own Bread


Fig. 5 Cutting the dough !

Once the dough is ready, after its second raise up, you have to make sure that the temperature of the oven is adequate : sprinkle with some flour its soil… if flour turns black the oven is still too hot ! If it turns brown, you can proceed !
Just before the « bread » has to be gently cut … children are always happy to « contribute » at this moment !
Once the bread is in the oven, you have to wait around 45 minutes… Do not open the oven ! Put your tools in order, clean the place, and take some rest …

Fig. 6 « Discovering » the new bread !
Opening the door of the oven is the end of the terrible suspense …

Hurrahs are welcome at this moment of the process !

Breads as taken outside one by one, still burning hot, so wait before tasting it ! This is the moment for roasting some of the delicious sausages !


Fig.7 Hourrah !!