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Make your own Bread



You can manage to make your own bread every week !
Obviously, the procedure is much more simple than the description made here above.

Fig 8. Gathering the ingredients…
It is easy to make your bread in your kitchen, using your standard stove. The receipt is given at the end of this contribution, but you may find hundreds of other surfing in the Internet ! Just search the word “bread”, it is amazing …

One condition is necessary, only, to devote half a day … because the process spreads over a few hours … but a large portion of it is independent of you and develops by itself.

To make sure that the dough raises up, a tip is to put the receptacle containing the dough in lukewarm water “bain marie”.
For cooking , you have to make your own experimentation … in this way you will find the correct position of the thermostat , and also the adequate baking time.
A bread of one Kg needs around 50 minutes, and a bread of 0.5 Kg around 30 minutes. The oven has to be put at 270 °C (position 7 or 8 of the knob, generally), but slow down the temperature gradually during the cooking process, for instance put the knob at 5 after 10 minutes … it depends on your stove..

Fig 9. Get out from there !
In any case, it is a real and natural pleasure to bring out from the oven your crusty and tasty hand made bread !