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Architecture should promise expectations

          Man most often deals with architecture in the setting where he lives.

Is architecture a kind of art?
          It probably is not so important whether architecture belongs to art or not. As it determines our lives, it is good to know something about it.
          Being interested in architecture, we can enrich our lives because every walk round the town becomes a walk round the gallery. Architecture can exalt the man and raise his hopes.

What to do with historic cores of the towns?
Should they remain an open-air museum or can we interfere into them?

          There are no general instructions. There are historic towns that should be left in peace. Their enormous cultural value is in their unchanged appearance.
          On the other hand it is important that the town is not to become a museum but it is also true that it must be alive. A natural and creative iniciative of people on town formation must be expressed, or otherwise, even the most beautiful town could estrange from its inhabitants.
          How to do it properly, it is still a secret.

What to say to the program of "humanization" of housing estates?
Does it only mean finishing the roofs or spraying new colourful facades of pre-fab houses?

          Most residential areas are not worth a lot but even the worst ones that used to bring some values are worth preserving. These areas have very good parks and living inside the greenery, in the "park", that people discovered in the 20th century, is a precious invention.
          We do not simply condemn pre-fab houses because it is not statistically proved that the housing estates are generally worse than the centre of the town. When we can at times hear about their ugliness, it is good to knowthat there are even uglier ones than in our country.
          Let's not humiliate pre-fab houses by putting pseudocolourful caps on them. They are not going to have them anyway. Even the pre-fab house does not deserve to be humiliated.

What are you today, architecture?

The average dominates, worse works appear in the world but even the good ones. However, it is still valid that beauty, quality, and usefulness are the fundamental principles of architecture.

U3A, 10 December 2001