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E - Learning -
a Subject for People 50 + ?

Virtual Seminar of the
Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW)
of the University of Ulm

Reported by Bernd Hahn
during EuCoNet - Meeting in Vicenza June 12th to 14th, 2003

Homepage of the Project:

E - Learning -
a Subject for People 50+ ?

From April to June 2002 the ZAWiW in Ulm offered a special virtual seminar.

E - Learning - a Subject for People 50 + ?

One of the main aims of this seminar was to show different kinds of existing E - Learning - Offers and to point out several examples of these offers, in order to discuss also advantages and disadvan-tages of the new methods of learning.

In addition it should be evaluated, whether these different kinds of E - Learning are also convenient for elder people. For this seminar 20 participants have started, but only 16 participants have taken over contributions for discussions of the topics.

The seminar was arranged as follows:

  • Welcome,
  • Introduction of the participants including photo and short description of the persons,
  • Description of the seminar,
  • Time Table, including different discussions and detailed working plans for the seminar,
  • Materials, including Online-Literature and also printed Literature,
  • Tips & Tricks,
  • Working Area (only open for participants) including the reports of the actual weekly discussion. For further discussions we could use a Forum and a Chat,
  • Glossar,
  • Results with the finished reports of the different discussions,
  • Contacts to ZAWiW.

Time and Participants

  • April to June 2002
  • started by 20 participants, but only 16 have taken over contributions for discussion of the topics.

Main Aims of the Seminar

  • to show the different kinds of E-Learning.
  • to point out several existing examples.
  • to discuss advantages and disadvantages.
  • to evaluate convenience for elder people.

Methods of Working

  • Introduction of the participants.
  • Mailinglist including all participants.
  • Working Area (open only for participants) for introduction of the weekly reports, for weekly discussions via Chat or Forum.
  • Each of the different reports had been appeared every week into the working area for reading and discussing by all participants.
  • A fixed time table for all activities.

Weekly Activities

  • The report by the participants for one week was introduced into Working Area.
  • All other participants were invited to read this report and to comment via Forum, via Mailinglist or during the weekly discussion via Chat.
  • Finally the authors of the special report had to summarise and complete the report.

Results and Reports
of the E - Learning-Seminar

Report 1: Internet and Change of Appreciation of Education

Report 2: Course Politics Online

Report 3: Competence of Informations

Report 4: Online-Courses of SeniorenNet Kiel

Report 5: Virtual University of Hagen

Report 6: U 3 A - Virtual University in Australia, Part 1

Report 7: U 3 A - Virtual University in Australia, Part 2

Report 8: E-Learning - Special Criterions for People 50+

General Results

  • all participants are sure, that E-Learning will be very important for advanced training of elder people.
  • not all examples or concepts of E-Learning are suited for advanced training of elder people.
  • it is very important for elder people, that the content of a seminar will be divided in small learning-units, which can be done with limited necessary time.


  • During the seminar also the methods of virtual learning had been tested intensively.
  • On basis of the experiences of the seminar the procedure of the seminar had been changed.
  • The working time of one week each for the different topics was partly to short.

Motivation of the Participants

  • The personal objectives of the participants were extremely different.
  • Two examples:
    • To learn using the Internet and to test, how social contacts may be increased.
    • To learn the methods of E-Learning not theoretically using the literature, but practically by personal doing.


  • It was intended, that all participants should be involved actively to get experiences
    > in learning together <
    > in learning from the other participants <.
  • Every participant should prepare a report, either alone or together with an other participant.
  • Discussions were done in the Chat, using the Forum or also using the Mailinglist not only for the organisation of the seminar, but also for different contents.

Summary of Results

The question:

"Is E-Learning a subject for people 50 + ?"

had been answered without any restrictions:

" Y e s "

  • The methods of advanced training for elder people are increased, especially for elder people which are living outside of cities and far from universities and other places of education.
  • Very important is the continious guidance of the institution of the E-Learning offer.
  • The E-Learning-moderator should always give new impulses via mailinglist, e-mail or new internet pages.
  • All participants should have the feeling, not to be alone in learning.
  • For each participant it is necessary to constrain oneself to learn the learning unit during the prepared time interval.


E - Learning is very interesting also for elder people:

Advantages: Learning at home, no time, no costs for travelling, only costs for Internet, Learning at any time,
Disadvantages: Learning alone,
Assumptions: Small Learning Units, Severe Guidance by Tutor, Several Real Meetings.

Final Remark

I think we can be very happy to have E - Learning.
We have to learn the usage of E-Learning.
We have the possibilities to learn as long as we live..