  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenModel Projects
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_ up - home
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_ _ Aula Mentor
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_ Cybervolunteers
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_ _ Espana.es
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_ _ Internet para todos
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_ _ Universia.net
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Cyber-Volunteers in V@LENCIA.Y@: A more objective step. The aim is to bring New Technology closer to the citizenry and to train those who now have the least chance of having access to it.

Project Name: Cyber-Volunteers.

A team of young Internet surfers who are eager to help others to be digitally educated, so that the Internet should no longer be a barrier between cybercitizens and those who are not, using the tool that was once the obstacle to their learning.
The goal: Apart from the effort to provide classrooms with computers, Internet connections and other new technology all over the city, a new step is being taken to take computer science to the places and sectors which, because of their peculiar circumstances, require extra special attention and the services that the municipal centres that participate in the project v@alencia.y@ offer.