  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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_ Espana.es
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_ _ Internet para todos
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_ _ Universia.net
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Action Program for the development of an Information Society in Spain.

The program consists of the following major lines:

  1. Administracion.es: To promote an Electronic Administration.
  2. Educacion.es: Internet in Schools. From “a Computer Science Classroom” to “Computer Science in the Classroom”.
  3. Pyme.es: The incorporation of small and medium-sized firms in the Information Society and to co-ordinate all the actions being carried out in ITC in the small firms.

    ministerio de ciencia y tecnología

  4. navega.es: Access of the citizens to the Information Society. With this program it is hoped that all the entire population will be afforded Access to the services of the Information Society, thus achieving the social integration of all of the groups that are not currently integrated. Two actions are planned:
    • Telecenters: The installation of 2,000 new centres for the access to Internet by the public in rural areas, with Wide Bandwidth connections.
    • Training and Digital Integration: The creation of the Foundation navega.es which will supervise the training programs. Furthermore, the access to the Web pages by handicapped persons will be promoted, thus attempting to totally eliminate any sort of barrier against such people.
  5. Contenidos.es: Quality Digital Content. To offer the society quality themes on the Internet and to promote a safer use of the medium.
  6. Comunicación.es: To communicate the advantages of the Information Society. A campaign in support of the actions taken to help create the necessary social awareness to the benefits offered by the Information Society.