  [TownStories] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenGemeinsamLernen  
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  Dreieck nach obenEuCoNet
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  Dreieck nach obenModel Projects
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_ up - home
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_ _ Aula Mentor
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_ _ Cybervolunteers
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_ _ Espana.es
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_ Internet para todos
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_ _ Universia.net
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Internet para todos is an initiative by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and which is aimed at making the Internet a household facility for all of the citizens. Indeed, there are certain sectors of the Spanish society that seem to have a sort of mental block with regard to the use of the Internet, generally because of their lack of knowledge about the Web.

Internet para todos Logo ministerio de ciencia y tecnología logo

The Ministry has therefore fostered an introductory free program to basic technology with the aim of ensuring that all of its citizens be included in today’s Computer Society and thus eliminate some of the social inequalities that arise from it.

Screenshot of the website

Internet para todos is envisioned as a program of great social mobilization with the aim of informing everyone about the benefits of being connected to the Net.