  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    _Bread Culture Survey  
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_ _ Introduction
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_ _ Questionnaire
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_ _ Results Arnhem
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_ _ Results Budejovice
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_ _ Results Granada
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_ _ Results Lyon
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_ _ Results Vicenza
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_ _ Results Ulm
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_ Result Summary
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Result Summary


2. Value of Bread

What value does bread have in a persons life?
Do you think that one can have a good life without bread?

In all participating countries bread has a high value and most of the interviewed persons cannot imagine to live without bread, at least not while living in their country and the Western culture. In France and Spain however, there are a relatively high number of persons who believe they could live without bread. There are no results available from Italy. In many countries the high value of bread is due to religious or cultural factors.

3. Availability / Shortage of Bread

How did you view bread during the different periods of your life?
Has it always been able to get bread?

In all participating countries there was a shortage of bread during the war resp. after the war. However this shortage was experienced differently, in the Czech Republic 55% of the questioned people said they had no shortage or they could not remember it. In the Netherlands shortage was felt in a similar way as in Germany. In France (south) and Spain (south) the answers were different, half suffered under shortage, the other half less. (Photo: Bread mark, 2nd world war, Bread Museum Ulm).

4. The Role of Bread in the Past

Which was the role of bread for the nutrition in the past?
Did there exist differences between children and adults, between men and women, between city and country, between people working in the factories and in farm houses?

The answers in the countries itself turned out very differently as the interviewed persons due to their origins, if town or country or their social class, experienced shortage of bread very differently. Due to these facts, there were also differences in the division of bread to children and working men. The results from all countries have shown that bread had everywhere a high share in nutrition. Also in the southern countries where bread is usually eaten as a supplement to the main meal, bread was quite often the main part of the meal in the past. During the hunger times, children were often given some more bread than the adults, and also the working men received more bread than the women. In the countryside there was always more bread availble than in the cities, because the raw materials for bread were cropped there.