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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    _Bread Culture Survey  
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_ _ Results Arnhem
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_ _ Results Budejovice
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_ _ Results Granada
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_ _ Results Lyon
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_ _ Results Vicenza
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_ _ Results Ulm
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_ Result Summary
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Result Summary


6. Popularity of Bread

Do you like bread and can you imagine your daily menu plan without bread?
When do you eat bread?

Bread is a popular food in the most countries, only few people can imagine a menu without bread. In France and Spain the share of persons who can imagine a menu without bread is relatively high in comparison to the remaining countries. In Czech Republic the question of popularity was not formulated.

It is known that bread is eaten at varying times in the different countries. In the southern countries bread is “only” a supplement to the main meal, in many countries of North and Middle Europe bread with sausage and cheese etc. is eaten as a main meal. This is shown in the following list:


Country Meals with bread

Breakfast and supper

France all meals
Italy all meals
Netherlands Breakfast and lunch
Spain all meals
Chech Republic -

7. Rituals in connection with bread

Are there still existing rituals in connection with bread ?

“Salt and Bread” as a gift for moving into a new home or given to a bridal pair on the occasion of the wedding is a ritual known in most countries. Rituals like blessing the bread dough or marking the loaf with a cross are known in the northern as well as the southern countries but are scarcely practised anymore. Religious rites during the service or the Holy Communion are known and are still practised.
There are “Bread Festivals” still today in Holland on Palm Sunday, which are known also in some parts of South Germany.
In some Mediterranean countries there are still in several locations great “Bread Festivals” ( also in Austria and Switzerland). However, these regional festivals are hardly known in the countries This could be an interesting task for future researches.