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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Budejovice  
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_ _ Results Budejovice
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1. What value does one give to bread? What value does bread have in the life of men? Do you think that one can have a good life without bread?

2. What does bread mean to you personally? What relationship do you have to bread?

3. Why do you think that one speaks about bread mainly with respect?

4. Do you remember stories, or did you yourself experience a time in your childhood, when there was shortage of bread? How did one handle bread at that time? When and where was it?

5. What did bread mean for people during the war? Did people value bread more during the war than at other times? Do you have any memories connected with bread from these times?

6. Do you know bread called "commissar" bread? Do you know something more about it?

7. Do you remember the times after the war? Did you or people near you have sometime shortage of bread after the war (1945-48)?

8. How do you remember the 50th and the 60th? Do you remember some event in the life of men, which greatly influenced their everyday life? How were the years after 1953 and what did they have in common with bread?

9. During which times and in which families was in our opinion never enough (a shortage) of bread and in which families did they never go without bread? How did one handle bread in the poorest families?

10. Did the 70ties and 80ties remain stronger in peoples' memory? Did the time after 1968 project itself into the life style of people and their relationship to bread? How did one handle bread during this time?

11. How does one handle bread at home during the last decade? Do people respect bread as before?

12. Can you guess, how many kinds of bread and bread products can one buy at the baker today? Do you think, that the quantity and choice in bread reflects the living standard and life style of a given time?

13. Do you like bread and can you image your daily diet without bread? When do you mainly consume bread (at breakfast, lunch, tea-time, dinner, any time during the day, when you are hungry)?

14. Which part had bread in the past in the food of children and people who worked in the farms? Was bread in your childhood always available at home and could the children always take a slice a bread whenever they wanted during the day? Did the children supplement their diet by bread?

15. How was bread divided in the family in the past, did the whole family meet at the table? Was there food a special procedure in serving food? 

16. What role did bread have in the diet of people who worked in the factories? How was the diet of these people?

17. Do you think that people in the country had in the past always more bread for their own use than in towns? What was the life in the country and in towns during your childhood? Do you remember something of this time?

18. Did the past people respect bread moore than now? Did they handle bread better? Why do you think so?

19. How did people show their respect for bread? How did they handle bread? Do you have any memories which express something about your relationship to bread?

20. How was bread kept so it stayed longer fresh? Does the way of keeping bread express something about the respect that people have for it?

21. What did one do in your childhood with hard or old bread?

22. Is it still valid: "Who does not come to terms with bread, does not come to terms with people either"?

23. How do people handle bread today? Do you think that in your environment one handles bread well, or do you think that the respect for bread is gone and bread is even squandered?

24. What do you do at home with old or hard bread. Do you waste bread sometimes?
24. Was tun Sie zu hause mit hartem und altem Brot. Verschwenden Sie Brot manchmal?

25. What does the height of the bread price say? Do you think the price of bread is (high, low, average)?

26. Does the relationship of men to bread say something generally about his relationship to work and acknowledgment of work of others. Does a person who respects bread, respect the work of others more than a person who relates to bread in a lofty way?

27. Do you think that also in the future (21 century), bread will be a basic food or will be replaced by some other food or artificial nourishment?

28. How was respect for bread shown in the past? Do you know some rituals , which were carried out before eating (all stood up, made sign of the cross, prayed, etc.)?

29. Do you know, that before eating bread, a sign of the cross was made over the bread? Did one make this sign out of habit or did it have some deeper meaning and traditions?

30. Why does one say that bread is the gift of God?

31. Do you remember, if there are still rituals kept today during:
 - preparation of the dough and baking
 - serving and storing bread
 - at the table: cutting and dividing of bread
 - making gifts of bread: giving bread to the arm and to beggars
 - thanking with bread
 - welcoming with bread (harvest home, etc.)
 - other, please give example

32. Which customs and traditions are practiced in the country and which in town? Are there some rituals or customs, which have to do with bread baking?

33. Does it still make sense today to pass customs and traditions onto new generations? Why?
33. Ist Ihrer Meinung nach heute noch sinvoll, Bräuche und Traditionen an neue jüngere Generationen zu geben? Warum?

34. Does the subject bread appear in proverbs, prayers or sayings about bread? I(s here bread celebrated or damned?

35. Which kind of bread did you eat in your childhood and youth and which do you like the best today?

36. Is there in your region a "Standard" bread? Why does one call it so?

37. How do you like our German (Italian) bread? Do you think, that it tastes better than breads from other countries?

38. What ingredients were added to bread, so that he stayed fresh a long time?

39. Do you know our national foods, which cannot exist without bread as an ingredient?

40. Can anyone in your family bake good bread? How does it taste and to which occasions is it baked?

41. Was bread baked at home or at the baker in your youth? Do you remember times, when bread was prepared at home and then baked at the baker?

42. Were differences in the breads in the shape, size and type of flour? How big was the usual bread and what was its shape?

43. Did you buy bread more often at the baker, or was it baked at home? About which time do you speak in relationship with bread? Was bread served every day fpr breakfast?

44. What respect and importance had the bakers trade in your youth and childhood? Do you have some personal memories about the baker, the bakery and the bread they baked?

45. What role had in the bakery the baker, the baker's wife, children, apprentices?

46. How did the bakers treat their customers?

47. How was it with the baker profession after the war? Did the profession during the years loose on importance? Did the production of bread fundamentally change?

48. Did the baker profession won here on importance during some time period? Why do you think that it is so and how do the buyers and consumers feel it?