  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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Learning through Research


The groups of learners through research develop through a process

“Learning through research“ is carried out through

  • Individual work,
  • Working in independent project groups
  • Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten

The method of "learning through research" makes possible:

  • That older people take up or examine forgotten or awkward research subjects or bring attention to facts which have not been researched up to now,
  • That the views and experiences knowledge of older people are taken into consideration in research issues and in the development of research designs,
That while learning about age, aging and about social issues and at the same time learning how to research these subjects, older people can contribute to gaining new knowledge about aging and thus actively participate in resolving social issues and problems.