Women's Study Centre, Alicante

The Center of Women Studies at the University of Alicante is dedicated to the effective equality of women and men in the University context. And also, The Center is open to all persons and social groups, especially in Alicante region, Spain.
The Center of Women Studies was created in 1997, on a multidisciplinary basis, following the model to those already existing at other Spanish and international Universities. It was an institutional answer to gender inequalities challenges in Spain. Its attention is focused on knowledge and professional practices in order to empowering women and from a gender perspective, within a university framework. But, also according to the social need of gender promotion and equality, in the firm belief that the development of women's rights implies the development of the society as a whole.
The Center of Women Studies is member of the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation, former AOIFE. Also, belong to the official network of the European Commission of the Socrates Programme (ATHENA), and WISE (Women's International Studies Europe).
The Women's Studies Centre is involved in the achievement of the following activities:
- Integration in research education.
- Interdisciplinary training of the member of the Centre.
- Coordination of proposals for courses about women and gender.
- Participation and collaboration with national and foreign Centers and Institutes.
- Boosting of new work lines and favor the collaboration and training of research teams in gender studies.
- Supporting actions that tend to no discrimination.
- Establishing relations of scientific cooperation with national and international University Institutes, as well as of similar entities and centers.
- Establishment of agreements and maintenance of relations with academic and non academic institutions and public and private entities.
- Spreading of the centre's activities and studies: publications, congresses, lectures,...
- Creation of a specialized bibliographic and documentary archive.
The Staff team is composed by:
Director: Nieves Montesinos Sánchez
Coordinators of:
- The area of Institutional Policies on gender equality and Assistant Director: Mar Esquembre Valdés
- The Legal Department and secretary of the Center: Nilda Garay Montañez
- Research area: Mª Teresa Ruiz Cantero
- Teaching area: Maribel Peñalver Vicea
- Publications area: Carmen Mañas Viejo
- Area of spreading and social action: Angel Amaro Quintas