Concept for the Academic Day in Sofia

The Academy day will be organised on 8 June 2011 /Wednesday/ from 9.30 a.m till 5.30 p.m in State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies /SULSIT/ with partnership with Association of University Libraries /AUL/. The rooms and technical equipment will be provided by SULSIT, we have the support of the Rector and computing office. The participants will be people 50+ of age: librarians from AUL, pensioners, participants in the survey, etc. We expect around 60 persons. The indicated themes of interests during the survey will be main topics of the lectures and workshops during the Academy day. The organization will be as follows:

In the morning we’ll organize 2 lectures on the following themes:

  • Cultural heritage of the Thracians in Bulgaria, and
  • Healthy life- prevention and treatment of heart diseases, bone illnesses, diabetes, etc.

The morning session will finished with demonstration of different database and sites where the participants can find interesting for them information.

After the lunch break we’ll start with afternoon session.

Durng the afternoon session the participants will work in small groups /10-15 persons/ with tutors who will help them to exercise their computer skills and work in Internet. In this session will be used the following interactive methods: workshops, practical exercises, consultations and fulfillment of the individual tasks.

For the afternoon session will be provided 5-6 rooms with computers for every participant. In every room there will be a tutor from the team of the project DASUN to help the participants.

All participant will receive leaflets with instructions how and where to find in Internet information for healthy life, leisure time, tourism and other interesting for them themes.

In the end of the Academy day all participants will receive Evaluation forms to estimate the form and contents of the Academy day. In this way the team of the project will receive feedback information for the opinion of the participants and will have in mind how to organize such events on the best way in the future.

We plan to have 1 coffee break in the morning session and a lunch break in order to be more effective during the working hours and to create friendly environment for the participants in the Academy day.