  [ZAWiW] [gemeinsamlernen] [LiLL]
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  Dreieck nach obenSelf-organised Learning Groups in Europe
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    Dreieck nach obenEating culture / Bread  
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    Dreieck nach obenBread Culture Survey  
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    _Results Ulm  
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Bread in the Change of Times

Attitude of people towards bread in the past, present and future time

Group of questions:

  1. Kinds of bread
  2. The value of bread
  3. Availability / shortage of bread
  4. The role of bread in the past
  5. Respect towards bread
  6. Popularity of bread
  7. Rituals in connection with bread
 Who was interviewed:
Number of questioned people:  40
Questioned age group:  50 - 90 years
Questioned women:  27
Questioned men:  13 
Region of interviews:  Ulm/Heidenheim, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Austria 
Questioned professional groups:  13 commercial/office 
 9 medicinal, social care 
 6 technicians 
 5 house wives 
 3 craft workers 3 teachers 
 1 Scientific 
Number of groups of questions:    7
Number of questions:  18

Many thanks to the German Bread Museum of Ulm (DBM) which put several pictures at our disposal.

Text: Jutta Gotthardt and Horst Schwiebert
Graphic Arts: Erich Regula
Date: October 2001