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Interview with Lilo Nold

Lilo is an assistant for reading skills at an elementary school Interview conducted by: Paula Schweinberger, ViLE e.V., Germany Paula: Dear Lilo, 2011 is the year of the social engagement. I know you as a very active woman who also likes helping other people. How did you come to your engagement? Lilo: It is about […]

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Interview mit Mitgliedern des Arbeitskreises „Bürger engagieren sich für Senioren“ in Heroldstatt

Bärbel und Rolf-Peter König, ViLE e.V. Gruppe, Deutschland Das Interview in PDF zum herunterladen Im Rahmen von „Tell me about your commitment“ haben wir Mitglieder eines Arbeitskreises interviewt, der sich „Bürger engagieren sich für Senioren“ nennt.  Zehn Mitglieder des Arbeitskreises trafen wir  bei Kaffee und Kuchen am 12. März 2011 in geselliger Runde in der […]

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Magdalena Braumüller

Magdalena Braumüller

About her She is teacher of English and also works as musician – organist in the church. Personal experience of volunteer work. She is volunteer in the field of journalisem for two magazines which are church related (protestant and protestan-catholic). Themes in magazine are not directly connected with religion. Her volunteer work also encompasses teaching […]

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Urszula Wyrwa

Urszula Wyrwa

Jestem z zawodu inżynierem chemikiem. Pracowałam w dużym zakładzie przemysłowym. Obecnie jestem emerytką. Od dawna   bliska była mi pomoc drugiemu człowiekowi. Moją poprzednią pracą  społeczną/bez wynagrodzenia / była praca w charakterze kuratora w Sądzie dla Nieletnich .Nadzorowałam dzieci i młodzież ,którzy popadli w kolizję z prawem /kradzieże, pobicia itp./Do tej pory mam dobry kontakt z […]

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Jerzy Berendt

Jerzy Berendt

I am a Chemist by profession, with a long experience in industry and later on in social work in the U3A in Slupsk, Poland. My experience in voluntary activity goes 2 years back, when after my retirement I began to work on voluntary basis with eldery people, especially in a project about Polish-German roots in […]

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