FDC Barcelona
La Fundacio Privada Desenvolupament Comunitari (FDC) – i.e Community Development Foundation, Barcelona, Spain, is an organization of social economy for innovation, production and management of knowledge in the field of public policy for social development. Its areas of action are public participation, international cooperation, mediation, social and intercultural inclusion, and accessibility. It works with groups (children, young people, newcomers, …) in social risk.
FDC was born in 1993.
Activities that FDC is undertaking:
MEDIATION: Interpersonal mediation services, community and neighborhood in order to encourage communication and properly handle the relationship conflicts.
PARTICIPATION: implementation process of citizen participation in administration and territories. Labor and social inclusion: insertion consulting for disadvantaged groups.
SPORT AND DIVERSITY: sport as a means of inclusion of disadvantaged groups.
TRAINING: Training for professionals within the fields of action of the organisation.
ACCESSIBILITY: ensuring access for people with disabilities to information, culture and community life, through the provision of appropriate technical and human resources.
COOPERATION: organisation of projects with partners from third world countries to empower them in the areas of participation and mediation.
SOCIAL CREATIVITY: promoting the use of art for the purposes of social inclusion.
RELATIONS BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN: processes and practices that promote equality between men and women in public space, productive and social development in general.
Website: www.fdc.cat
Gianni Orsini gorsini@fdc.cat
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