SSI Glasgow
The Senior Studies Institute, Glasgow, Scotland, is a provider of an extensive range of educational opportunities aimed at older adults, with more than 3,000 students participating each year. It was established in 1991 to meet the increasing demand from older people for learning which matched their interests, aptitudes and needs. The classes have a huge social element for many people and many students belong to the 3L’s students association which has around 1,000 members. This allows them to join clubs where a variety of activities are organised in relation to class topics. Another learning opportunity available to older people through the Senior Studies Institute is volunteering. This enables older adults to use their learning and life skills in a range of socially valuable contexts In addition the Senior Studies Institute has considerable experience in assisting older people in finding and retaining employment and overcoming discrimination. The 50+ Employability programme works with individuals and employers to create opportunities for employment and learning to help older people realise their full potential. With over 20 years experience the institute offers a wide range of specifically tailored programmes to assist both individuals and organisations.
The Senior Studies Institute also directs the Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice which is funded by the Scottish Government to work closely with public, private and voluntary sector organisations, as well as, individuals and families to gather and share best practice, provide information and support, and develop new opportunities for intergenerational working in communities across Scotland.
The Institute is unique in Scotland, and has become internationally recognised for the quality of its educational programme and its expanding role in advising policy makers and business on age-focussed issues.
Lynda Scott
„Home Start“ seems to me to be a very important charity institution, especially after hearing that some young parents in Germany have shaken their baby to death…
Very often young mothers run through a post-natal depression without knowing it. They blame themselves for having no intensive mother feeling towards the baby. This makes the situation even worse. They often hide their feelings and are stuck in their isolation.
Those families should have the opportunity to get voluntary help. A ten-week training programme is fine for the volunteer as well as the possibility to ask a co-ordinator if difficult situation and question arise.
The personal contact to experienced person has an therapeutical effect on the difficult situation of young parenthood. It may prevent them from stress-reactions which may harm the baby.
In German there is an association called “Kinderschutzbund”. They arrange dress- and game-markets, sport-events for children and the so-called “Sorgentelefon”. “Die Nummer gegen Kummer” (i.e. “The number against grief”) is advertised in buses and trams and children are advised to call this number when they need help. The volunteers, who answer the telephone, get a twelve-week-training.
The problem is that more and more phone-calls are a joke and a fake. Sometimes the volunteer needs a long time to find this out…
The German association “Kinderschutzbund” should implement “Home Start” in their programme!
Brigitte Höfer Vile ev.
Brigitte Höfer Vile ev.