Should old acquaintance be forgot…? The SUTW volonteers in Ljubljana.
The Partners to the Grundtvig Partner Project; Tell me about your commitment” met for their last general meeting in wonderful city of Ljubljana in Slovenia.
The Polish group of volunteers, eleven of them, actively participating in realization of the Project went to Slovenia to attend the meeting during which there was
presented a theme of ” Senior and Juniors, heritage of experience and knowledge”. The SUTW volunteers in among other forms of voluntary work are seen active
in area where vivid and dynamic youth meets experience and knowledge of old.
Volunteers of SUTW work with children and young people;
- reading fairy tales for children in nurseries,
- theatre performances for school students,
- choral performances along with school choirs,
- visual and music presentations for school students,
- working visits to Care and Assistance Centre for young people,
- artistic and humanitarian cooperation with school students from Bielorussia,
- assistance to young immigrants in Slupsk,
- active participation in Daily Community Centre.
All these forms of voluntary activity were presented in Ljubljana in the form of DVD.
The very important point of the meeting in Ljubljana was to set a time schedule for the FINAL REPORT, which is set to be finalized by the end of month September.
The Polish-SUTW team of volunteers will work very hard in order to complete its part of the Report.
Discussing the idea of voluntary activity based on the results of the Project, Urszula Wyrwa-acting President of SUTW-had satisfied herself with an opinion that
voluntary activity allows one to get a full self-satisfaction and present an occasion to meet others, to get and to stay in touch, to free oneself from a fear of living
“almost forgotten”.
Members of SUTW took part in the workshop during which a net of computer connections was set working with an aim to improve creative writing and interchange
of information via ”on line” links.
Finally, the five countries and six national teams had to say goodbye to each other which were the most difficult moments of the meeting. The Project with all
the essential tasks it prescribed for each team participating, had been an unforgettable experience in the sense of getting known each other, making friends,
remembering their towns and countrysides we had for quick blink of the eye a chance to see.
The members of SUTW volunteers group would like to thank you all of Partners for their kind cooperation with us, for having extended hospitality during our
stay in their countries and for being with us in Słupsk.
We wish you all the best.
On behalf of SUTW volunteers; Urszula Wyrwa. President.
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