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Talking about the modern history of Poland

Volunteers for youth of Słupsk   From 26th of February,  for five consecutive days our  University Theater Group  has performed for students of Słupsk’s schools. The play was thought to add to the knowledge of the young generation about the historical events which occurred in times of past WWII years. The core of the play […]

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Teaching the young disabled people to enjoy the moment.

Moulding dumplings in company. On 15th of February 2011  three of our lady members; Nelly Czupajło, Renata Majerowicz and Danuta Wabia went onto teaching the youth under the care of the Workshop for Occupational Therapy how to prepare and how to serve the famous polish dish;” pierogi”, which are a kind of stuffed dumplings. The filling […]

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Greetings from Vienna

In the Volkshochschule we are in the process of finding people in our classes who are prepared to talk about their voluntary work. A preliminary kick-off and getting-to-know-eachother meeting is planned for April 14th. We are looking forward to learn more about people´s varied activities and their specific motivation.

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Erstes Arbeitstreffen im neuen Jahr

Es war ein produktives Treffen. Alle sind mit Begeisterung bei der Sache. Hier einige Fotos: 1. Treffen 2011 bei der AWO in Berlin – Kreuzberg

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Erste Skype – Konferenz mit Slupsk

Am 11. Dezember hatten wir unser erstes Treffen mit den Partnern in Slupsk. Für uns alle war die Videokonferenz via Skype eine neue Erfahrung. Der kurze Film vermittelt einen Eindruck. Berlin – Slupsk in Conference

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Unsere Präsentation und einige Fotos aus Barcelona

Hier ist unsere Präsentation beim ersten Projekttreffen in Barcelona: Barcelona Presentation Und hier sind einige Fotos von dieem Treffen: Pictures from the kick-off meeting in Barcelona

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