Honorary work and social engagement
Hanns Hanagarth, Senior student, ZAWiW, Ulm
I understand „honorary work” to be a unpaid civic, social engagement. This can be in all areas of social life. Also in the family, neighbourhood, amongst acquitances, friends, in associations, schools, Kindergarten, charitable organisations, etc. I myself am since 20 years a member in a Service-Club. Together with 20 others, mainly friends, we support help projects for children in Ulm and Neu-Ulm or in the area.
I consider it important that people – also young or younger – engage themselves in helping others, without asking: “What does it bring me?”
To help with joy and with friends where there is hardship and where the state help does not arrive at all or not quickly enough. It is that which gives fulfilment and satisfaction and can be a model for others to also engage themselves.
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