Why do people engage in honorary work?
Jutta Gotthard, Senior student at ZAWiW, Ulm
The somewhat unclear term in German language “ Ehrenamt” (honorary/voluntary work) refers to a regular not-paid involvement of a person in work or a cause serving the public good. Be it work with children, nature protection, a function in an association, a quire singer, a tutor in seniors’ education, helper in old people’s home, catastrophe relief worker etc.
Many people make their know-how, their abilities, their energy, their time and their work-power available for the common good without reward or “honour”. Without these, without us, would the peoples’ community not function.
Why is that? Why do many people engage in honorary work? There are for sure different forms of motivation. One of these is valid for almost all cases: it makes fun, joy, they profit from it when they make new experiences, meet interesting people, solve problems.
Sometimes they feel that too much is asked of them, especially, when they are used as back staff and their engagement is not regarded.
Without voluntary cooperation – worldwide – would the life in our complicated world be poorer and much more difficult…
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