What do I mean by “volunteering”?
Brigitte Nguyen-Duong, Senior student, ZAWiW, Ulm
Since I am no longer professionally engaged and my family does not need me urgently for the everyday life, I try to apply my excess energy in the public life. I did not need to look long for a suitable place. Even during the so-called family phase, I was in involved in all sorts of honorary offices, because in school or in sport clubs they are always looking for people to take on organizational tasks. I have always liked such activities, because I wanted to bring forward and to improve things, for my children and for the general public.
In retirement, of course, my time spent in volunteering activities has much increased. I was curious about the many opportunities to change and to improve something and to take on new responsibilities. Fascinating and interesting activities came quickly.
Meanwhile, I am a member of a board of three associations whose purpose and objectives lie close to my heart:
With four board colleagues, I organise in a cooperative for elderly with 200 members a mutual support in everyday situations, I connect shared interests and organize parties and celebrations.
As a member of the committee of a German-French partnership association, I am responsible for an annual trip to France or the preparation of a reception of a group from France in Ulm. It requires always a lot of sensitivity so that the visitors and their host families harmonise and no misunderstandings arise.
In a meeting place for foreign citizens located in a middle of a residential area I’m responsible for public relations work. As many emigrants as possible should learn about this facility and make use of its offers. I publicise the events through the newspapers and mouth to mouth publicity.
I also managed to realise two projects there. With five other women we help once a week foreign primary school children with their homework. And once a month I invite people to an Erzählcafè (an oral history café) where in a pleasant environment each guest tells a story from his life to a particular given theme.
So each day is different. It is always exciting for me, to plan my daily schedule in the morning. Sometimes there are also disappointments with uncomfortable feelings. But when the problems are solved and the work brings good results, then I am very satisfied and happy.
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