Skype Meeting between Glasgow and Slupsk – September 2011
When we met for our first Skype session at Strathclyde University I wasn’t really very sure of what to expect because of not having any previous experience of being on Skype. However we met slightly earlier than the window that had been decided on and were given some notes about topics for us to speak. As we made notes we had a chance to talk about our own experiences with the newer delegates who had been chosen to go to the next Tell Me session in Slupsk, Poland.
As we talked about their plans, it reminded me of our successful visit to Vienna and felt like being part of the next team too! It was a good idea to have the link between the people who had been to Vienna and some of the people getting ready to go to Poland.
Then we were linked up to the Polish team and the Skype session started. Once Lynda and Jerczy discussed different aspects of the format, it was decided to start with the Glasgow delegates. Some of the new folk talked about where they came from, their volunteer interests and what they were looking forward to when they went over to Poland. Then Ena, Hilde and I got a chance to chat to the Polish colleagues. It was great fun when the members of the Polish team recognised us and chatted to us like old friends. They remembered that Hilde spoke fluent German so enjoyed chatting to her in German and Hilde let us know what they were saying. So all in all it was a successful session and I am looking forward to doing so again in the future.
Mana Hazlett
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