The Grundtvig working visit to KADIS-Ljubljana.
Dear Marusa and Victorija.
It is our pleasure to send you, on behalf of Slupsk’s University of Third Age group of Volunteers, our thanks for your hospitality during the recent visit to Ljubljana.
The visit within the Grundtvig Project “Tell me about your commitment” gave us a possibility to get know people of Slovenia, Slovenian capital city of Ljubljana as well as very quick
look at your society which only recently joined EU. Through the passioned discussions during the workshop time, we had a chance to interchange information on number
of topics related to Voluntary activity in your country in comparison to the experiences of our own. We congratulate you the idea of sharing a knowledge and
practical experience within the KADIS institution and its Learning Programme mainly oriented for young and older people. Thanks to this Programme you bring an opportunity
for better future of the young generation and better quality of life for older generation.You do an excellent job
Apart of all, we would like to thank you for very friendly atmosphere of our meeting, of which organization was excellent.
We would be delighted to meet you again as partner within yet another Grundtvig Project.
Our Best Wishes and Greetings for You and all of the staff of KADIS from Slupsk-Poland.
On behalf of SUTW Slupsk.Poland. Jerzy Berendt.
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