Thank You for the helping hand

Thank You for the helping hand


 One of the point in the Final Report form calls for a description of “an added value”  of the “Tell me about your commitment” Project, which in the company of six different organizations comes to the completion within short time now.

However, before the final farewell words will be spell out, we-the Slupsk’s University of Third Age Grundtvig team members-would like to tell everyone around about what has happen during and after the Grundtvig meeting in Slupsk, sometime between middle of October 2011 and the New Year Day the same year.

The participants of the conference, in among many others activities, were visiting the “Occupational Therapy Daily Workshop” for, mostly young, the Down Syndrome, effected people. There was Mr Heinz Kubicka,  among visiting members of the Grundtvig Vienna  group who took a special attention to the general conditions in which the rehabilitation process in the          Centre is organized and executed.
The Centre, with its financial resources based mainly on the Local Administration budget support, and with steady increase of number of patients coming in, lags behind in its technical equipment either for the purpose of rehabilitation, recreation or living condition.

Mr Heinz Kubicka, on his return back to Vienna, he had sent us the letter with a splendid offer of a financial donation, which he intended to collect in among of Vienna  Evangelical Church members.

And they did it!

By the end of the year 2011with all the formalities properly done, the donation of around 1.000€ was presented to the Director of the Therapy Centre, Mrs Iwona Grota.

Mrs Iwona Grota, who with great love and dedication towards her responsibilities and patients presides over the institution has decided to use the unexpected donation for the purpose to improve their kitchen equipment.
The improvement was met with great joy and admiration.
The kitchen is a vital place in the process of rehabilitation and self-support training of patients under her charge.

We, as the members not only of the Grundtvig team, but as members of the University of Third Age in Slupsk, got onto the idea of presenting Mr Heinz Kubicka action as the exemplary  “Gift right from the heart” and “ the added value” to the whole “Tell me about your commitment” Grundtvig Partner Project.

On behalf of SUTW and Therapy Workshop; Urszula Wyrwa, Nelly Czupajło, Iwona Grota, Jerzy Berendt.

About Heinz Kubicka and his gift of the heart-in pictures.

2 Responses to “Thank You for the helping hand”

  1. Eleanor Crawford June 26, 2012 at 4:43 pm

    I think that this is wonderful added value to the project.


  2. Nasza Pani Iwonka się stara i teraz mamy nową kuchnię;]Monika