With President about Grundtvig Project.
On 17th of June, sunny Saturday, volunteers from SUTW, on invitation from Mr Maciej Kobyliński-The acting President of city of Slupsk-were traveling to the nearby
place ŁUPAWA. There, in the country home of the host, volunteers set to present their up to now progress in realization of the Grundtvig Project
“Tell me about your commitment”.
All gathered on the greens of Łupawa, including Mr President, had a chance to be briefed on the results of the international Grundtvig meeting which
had taken place in Ljubljana only week before and where some of our volunteers were present.
The most active members of the SUTW Volunteers Group, presented their view related to conditions of work as volunteers and growing number of calls for
help coming from less fortunate citizens of Slupsk and in particularly children and young people getting lost in a free market economy.
The meeting in Lupawa was a splendid occasion to exchange opinions on a role of voluntary activity in Slupsk Region as the host of the meeting showed a great
interest in getting as much information as it was possible on the sunny day.
Mr Maciej Kobyliński as President of the City of Slupsk, during all his time in the Office, independently of his duties, stays firm in contact with our University of Third
Age and is open for any suggestions regarding needs of its members and elderly people at all.
The outing in Lupawa was promised not to be the last one and planes for an autumn get together were set.
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