Freiwilligenarbeit – Ein aktuelles Thema in Sprachkursen

Das Jahr 2011 wurde zum Internationalen Jahr der Freiwilligenarbeit erklärt und so war es nur natürlich, dieses Thema auch zum Diskussionsgegenstand in meinen 4 Englischkursen zu machen. 70% der Kursteilnehmer sind über 65 Jahre alt, d.h. sie sind pensioniert und – wie sich im Lauf der Gespräche zeigte – ein guter Teil von ihnen hat […]

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Intergenerational learning with the aid of senior volunteers

  Gabriela Körting, Researcher at ZAWiW – University of Ulmand ViLE e.V.  Older volunteers from ZAWiW and ViLE e.V. engage themselves as tutors in intergenerational learning projects at Ulm University.  To the presentation: Intergenerational Learning  

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Rosi Müller: I’m volunteer in the project …….

Rosi Müller: I’m volunteer in the project …….

Rosi Müller from ViLE e.V., Germany, reports about the project “Ulmliner” in which she and other older volunteers and children with migration background from Ulm scholls work together on developing guided tours in Ulm.    -> Präsentation Ulmliner (PDF) Rosi Müller

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Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Emili is a long term volunteer, who has been experimenting, for more than 30 years, volunteering as a way of life. The video is in Spanish […]

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Five Volunteers Hat Stories

Five Volunteers Hat Stories

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. In this collective approach, the issue was to identify the key questons – to be or not to be ! – related to volunteerism. The video […]

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THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona deicded to make a fiction movie about volunteering, in order to transmit their conclusion after months of debates about “being a volunteer”. They decided to produce, direct and play a story in which the different aspects of […]

Short reports

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Vittorio, volunteer.

Vittorio, volunteer.

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Vittorio has a long experience as a volunteer in international cooperation projects. The video is in Spanish and not sub-titled yet ;-) 

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Five Volunteers Hat Stories

Five Volunteers Hat Stories

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. In this collective approach, the issue was to identify the key questons – to be or not to be ! – related to volunteerism. The video […]

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THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona deicded to make a fiction movie about volunteering, in order to transmit their conclusion after months of debates about “being a volunteer”. They decided to produce, direct and play a story in which the different aspects of […]

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Freiwilligenarbeit in Jyväskylä, Finnland: „Cultural Pilots“ – Kulturlotsen

Bärbel und Rolf-Peter König, ZAWiW und ViLE e.V., Germany Eine besondere Form der Freiwilligenarbeit haben wir während unseres Aufenthalts in Finnland in der Stadt Jyväskylä anlässlich unseres Austausches im Rahmen des GRUNDTVIG SENIOR VOLUNTEERS PROJECT kennen gelernt, die Arbeit der Kulturlotsen. Zunächst waren in diese spezielle Arbeit alle Museen der Stadt eingebunden und sorgten gemeinschaftlich […]

My voluntary work

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Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Emili is a long term volunteer, who has been experimenting, for more than 30 years, volunteering as a way of life. The video is in Spanish […]

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Carmina and Consol, volunteering with the Eldery.

Carmina and Consol, volunteering with the Eldery.

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Carmina and Consol are retired and dedicate long hours and a lot of energy to the association “Nou Horitzó”, working with and for the Eldery. The […]

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Vittorio, volunteer.

Vittorio, volunteer.

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Vittorio has a long experience as a volunteer in international cooperation projects. The video is in Spanish and not sub-titled yet ;-) 

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Irene, what about volunteering?

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect – or non volunteers – life stories. Irene has heart speaking of volunteeering, but has not got the opportunity to be one yet. The video is in Spanish and […]

In my city & country

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Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

Emili Zapata, Long Term Volunteer

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Emili is a long term volunteer, who has been experimenting, for more than 30 years, volunteering as a way of life. The video is in Spanish […]

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Carmina and Consol, volunteering with the Eldery.

Carmina and Consol, volunteering with the Eldery.

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Carmina and Consol are retired and dedicate long hours and a lot of energy to the association “Nou Horitzó”, working with and for the Eldery. The […]

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Vittorio, volunteer.

Vittorio, volunteer.

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. Vittorio has a long experience as a volunteer in international cooperation projects. The video is in Spanish and not sub-titled yet ;-) 

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Irene, what about volunteering?

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect – or non volunteers – life stories. Irene has heart speaking of volunteeering, but has not got the opportunity to be one yet. The video is in Spanish and […]