Short reports

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Presentations of the Final meeting in Ljubljana

Dragi TMYC prijatelji Natanko en mesec je minil odkar smo se srečali v Ljubljani v okviru učnega partnerstva TMYC. Na sestanku smo vam v Izobraževalnem centru Kadis 2002 želeli predstaviti ureditev prostovoljnega dela in delovanje nekaterih ključnih organizacij na tem področju v Sloveniji, ob tem pa dneve popestriti tudi z obiski organizacij in delavnicami. Prvi […]

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Seniors and Juniors as parents, students and friends

Seniors and Juniors as parents, students and friends

Volunteers of SUTW from Słupsk-Poland, for their ppt presentation in Ljubljana had chosen as a leading theme variety of ways they cooperate with and assist groups of children and school students.The ppt Presentation; “Seniors and Juniors; heritage of experience and knowledge” illustrate and document a presence of our volunteers in company of childrenand young people. Our volunteers work […]

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Should old acquaintance be forgot…? The SUTW volonteers in Ljubljana.

Should old acquaintance be forgot…? The SUTW volonteers in Ljubljana.

The Partners to the Grundtvig Partner Project; Tell me about your commitment” met for their last general meeting in wonderful city of Ljubljana in Slovenia. The Polish group of volunteers, eleven of them, actively participating in realization of the Project went to Slovenia to attend the meeting during which there waspresented a theme of ” Senior and […]

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Radio Słupsk about The Grundtvig Partner Project

Radio Słupsk about The Grundtvig Partner Project

  All listeners to the Polish Radio Koszalin and Słupsk, had a possibility to listen  the voices of the SUTW volunteers speaking “on air”. On 20th of June on the local radio waves in Slupsk Mrs Urszula Wyrwa, Mrs Nelly Czupajlo and Mr Jerzy Berendt were presenting a broad spectrum of actions  prompted by the […]

My voluntary work

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Five Volunteers Hat Stories

Five Volunteers Hat Stories

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. In this collective approach, the issue was to identify the key questons – to be or not to be ! – related to volunteerism. The video […]

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THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona deicded to make a fiction movie about volunteering, in order to transmit their conclusion after months of debates about “being a volunteer”. They decided to produce, direct and play a story in which the different aspects of […]

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Meine ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeiten / My voluntary work

 Dorothea Durka, ViLE e.V., Deutschland Während meines ganzen Lebens habe ich versucht – zusätzlich zu meiner beruflichen Arbeit als Lehrerin und meiner Arbeit als Hausfrau und Mutter – ehrenamtliche Arbeit zu leisten, z. B. in der Kirchengemeinde,  in einem sog. Weltladen, in einem Chor und seiner Verwaltung …. So war ich gut auf den Ruhestand […]

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Freiwilligenarbeit – Ein aktuelles Thema in Sprachkursen

Das Jahr 2011 wurde zum Internationalen Jahr der Freiwilligenarbeit erklärt und so war es nur natürlich, dieses Thema auch zum Diskussionsgegenstand in meinen 4 Englischkursen zu machen. 70% der Kursteilnehmer sind über 65 Jahre alt, d.h. sie sind pensioniert und – wie sich im Lauf der Gespräche zeigte – ein guter Teil von ihnen hat […]

In my city & country

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Five Volunteers Hat Stories

Five Volunteers Hat Stories

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona made interviews to volunteers in order to collect volunteers life stories. In this collective approach, the issue was to identify the key questons – to be or not to be ! – related to volunteerism. The video […]

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THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

THE MOVIE: Volunteering on a sunny Sunday

In the framework of the Grundtvig EU project “Tell me about your commitment!”, the local group of Barcelona deicded to make a fiction movie about volunteering, in order to transmit their conclusion after months of debates about “being a volunteer”. They decided to produce, direct and play a story in which the different aspects of […]

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Intergenerational learning with the aid of senior volunteers

  Gabriela Körting, Researcher at ZAWiW – University of Ulmand ViLE e.V.  Older volunteers from ZAWiW and ViLE e.V. engage themselves as tutors in intergenerational learning projects at Ulm University.  To the presentation: Intergenerational Learning  

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Seniors and Juniors as parents, students and friends

Seniors and Juniors as parents, students and friends

Volunteers of SUTW from Słupsk-Poland, for their ppt presentation in Ljubljana had chosen as a leading theme variety of ways they cooperate with and assist groups of children and school students.The ppt Presentation; “Seniors and Juniors; heritage of experience and knowledge” illustrate and document a presence of our volunteers in company of childrenand young people. Our volunteers work […]