Jennifer Fulton
Jennifer trained as a Drama teacher and after teaching Drama for three years decided to teach English as a second language. She taught this at secondary level for twenty seven years and found this work to be very rewarding and learned much about different cultures.
She volunteered to be part of teaching exchange programme and spent three months teaching in Karachi, Pakistan in 1990 and then in 1999 spent three months in Bangladesh. Both experiences were very enriching, rewarding and humbling experiences.
She is very interested in theatre and films. Enjoy walking, swimming and yoga. She loves learning languages and is able to converse informally in French, Italian and German. She can also speak some Urdu and Hindi. She is part of group raising funds for school in North Bangladesh and is involved with cultural activities relating to Bangladesh.
Jennifer spends time looking after grandchildren. Often look after grandson in Milan which can be challenging coping with a different culture on a daily basis and also helps support daughter who has an autistic child.
She was involved showing a Grundtvig international group who visited the University of Strathclyde in 2009. She has also applied to take part in the project mentoring school pupils.
She enjoys meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds compared to my own and would be interested to listen to and share experiences.
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