Presentation at the University of Strathyclyde about immigrants in Slupsk.
We got to know Glasgow “studying” the internet well before we got there. On arriving to the City we found the place even more grandeur and hectic than we expected to be. The great buildings errected in the far past with their magnificient towers over the tops saying something about grand history of the places and than the continous flow of mostly young people along spacious streets.
Our the most striking impression came from visiting the Strathclyde University, its enormous old and new buildings which house numerous departments and faculties. We were taken for short walk around the University Campus and had a chance to enjoy the company of Voluntary Guide Group member, which besides giving explanations demonstrated another example of what the voluntary work could be. Thank you.
The Grundtvig Meeting on the premises of University of Strathclyde consisted of the round of workshops presented by each of the participants to the Grundtvig Partner Project.
The Polish party had chosen for its presentation the theme of “working with immigrants”. Activities performed by The Slupsk University of Third Age by a definition concentrate on “giving” rather than “getting” and this had lead us into contact with immigrants and foreign students.
Our preliminary study to the subject have told us that our town in fact is not a primary destination for foreigners, albeit the number of them steadily grows. There is a number of nationalities represented, like Macedonia, Uzbekistan, China, Turkey,Russia,Ghana among the others. Most of those living and working in Slupsk are highly educatated and trained, consequently finding a permanent work here does not create a much problem, once they master a bit Polish language.
Special group of interest is a small group of students from Turkey who live in at the Students Campus of the Pomorska Academia and almost next door to where our office is. We stay in contact with them and try to be of assistance in case of a need.
The special group of foreign visitors rather than immigrants with which our Uni has close ties is the group of Bialorussian children traveling frequently from Witebsk and Brześć to Slupsk where they are hosted by the Catholic comunity. The group on most occassions consist of young musicians, dancing group and choir.
The Presentation to this “short report” illustrate our multiple contacts with foreigners living and temporary staying in Slupsk.
The overall number of legaly registered does not exceed 200-family members counting- out of which 85 possess permanent work permission, hance the good prospect for obtaining the citizenship within short time.
Have a look at the Presentation attached.
Jerzy Berendt. Slupsk. Poland.
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