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Izkušnja volonterstva s skavti / The experience of volunteering with the Scouts

Izobraževalni center Kadis 2002 je za nas prostovoljce organiziral delavnico na temo komunikacije in reševanja konfliktov ob tem pa so nas prosili, da z vami delimo svojo izkušnjo s prostovoljstvom. In naj bo tako. Pri skavtih sem že dvanajst let in v tem času so mi skavti veliko dali. Veliko sem se naučil o dobroti […]

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Volunteering around the world

 I’ve been a volunteer for over ten years now and I have participated workshop that Educational centre Kadis 2002 has organized for volunteers. My first steps into volunteering shoes were connected with one of the elderly people’s homes in Ljubljana where I was going once a week to give company to a nice old lady […]

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Memories of my childhood, my mother’s engagement

Carmen Stadelhofer, Chair of ViLE e.V. , Germany I grew up with honorary work. I drank it,  so to speak, with my mother’s milk. As a small girl I sat at the back of the bicycle when my mother went to the garden huts of the refugee families that were accommodated in our quarter. She […]

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My volunteering at the University of Strathclyde by Eleanor Crawford

I am currently involved with 2 different volunteering projects at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. I am a volunteer tour guide with the university which involves showing visitors around the two historic former church buildings which are owned by the university.  Our guiding season is from the beginning of May until the end of […]

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Gespräch mit Dr. Irmelin Schwalb, Auszubildende zur Prädikantin in der evangelischen Kirche

Das Gespräch wurde geführt durch Hannelore Bürgers, ViLE e.V., Ulm, Deutschland Ich bin 53 Jahre alt und freiberufliche Autorin nach einem literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium mit Promotion über das erzählerische Werk von Eduard von Keyserling. Ich bin verheiratet und habe drei Kinder im Alter von 20 Jahren, 18, Jahren und 15 Jahren. Ich mache eine Ausbildung zur […]

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My voluntary work by Patricia Cook from Glasgow

I have been a volunteer with Glasgow Museums for some 10 years.  During this period I have volunteered in the Gallery of Modern Art as both a tour guide and on a much more regular basis with the Children’s Art Club.  The art club meets every Saturday morning and also holds workshops during school holidays […]

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Moje spotkania z wolontariatem

Wywiad z Panią  Wandą Drozd-wolontariuszką SUTW w SŁUPSKU.Poland, przeprowadzony z okazji wyróżnienia jej Dyplomem Laureatów Konkursu “Seniorzy w akcji. Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku dla Społeczności”- 2012. Proszę się przedstawić Pani Wando. Nazywam się Wanda Drozd. Urodziłam się w roku 19..i mam sporo lat. Pochodzę z terenów “najlepszej Polski” czyli z terenów pomiędzy Wisłą a Bugiem, okolica Dęblina gdzie bardzo dostojnie […]

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Projekt Partnerski Grundtviga “Tell me about your commitment”

Powiedz mi o swoim zaangażowaniu Jadę dziś w mieście autobusem,obok mnie jest wolne miejsce.Siada mężczyzna w średnim wieku,pozdrawia siedzące obok dwie kobiety.Na ich pytanie o cel podróży mężczyzna odpowiada:”W ramach wolontariatu jadę do chorego staruszka………”Zbieg okoliczności ponieważ i ja jadę w ramach wolontariatu /oczywiście nie przekazuję celu mojej podróży nieznajomym osobom / do przedszkola integracyjnego […]

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My Life is a Theatre

I always wanted to act but I never really got into it until one day I saw an advertisement of Drama School ( the only one in Slovenia) in the paper and decided to give it a go. People who attend the Drama School in Slovenia don’t really have much professional options after studying. In […]

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Theatre – the essence of my commitmnet

Sem absolventka na Filozofski fakulteti in sem že osem let članica Šentjakobskega gledališča. Želja po igri na odru me je spremljala že od zgodnjega otroštva, tako da je bilo sodelovanje s tem gledališčem super priložnost za realizacijo moje otroške želje. V Šentjakobskem gledališču smo vsi igralci prostovoljci, nismo profesionalci, pač pa ljubitelji.

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