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Third “Story-telling Café” in Ulm, Germany

  On the 22nd of June 20111, the ViLE e.V. group in Ulm, Germany, organised the third story-telling café in cooperation with the Generationentreff Ulm/Neu-Ulm. The guests were Mr. Johann Kerner, the Chairman of the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Ungarn, Kreisverband Alb-Donau/Ulm and Mrs Elsa Koch, Treasurer of this association. Both reported about the highlights […]

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Voluntary engagement in Tanzania

The interview with Heide Schanz was conducted by Hannelore Bürgers, ViLE e.V., Germany 1. What is/was your Motivation? First of all: Throughout my life, I was always active as a volunteer for different institutions and organisations; e.g. class spokesman, Lutheran Youth Group, German Alpine Club etc. The motivation for my actual commitment for an Education […]

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Karin Bolenius: Ich bin der Libero

  Based on an interview conducted by Christa Grawert-Wagner, ViLE e.V., Germany   „Ohne die freiwilligen Helfer geht gar nichts mehr.“ Das sagte eine Besucherin am 23. Oktober 2010. Es war der Eröffnungstag des neuen Gebäudes des  Rautenstrauch-Jost-Museums (RJM) am Neumarkt, im Zentrum der Stadt Köln. Bis zu neun Freiwillige, meist Frauen, waren an dem […]

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Peter Bach: Ein anderer Blick auf die Gesellschaft

Based on an interview conducted by Christa Grawert-Wagner, ViLE e.V., Germany Ein Ehrenamt? fragt Peter Bach. Er habe keine Ämter. „Es ist eine Tätigkeit, die nicht Privatinteressen dient, sondern es ist eine gesellschaftliche Aufgabe.“ So definiert er sein „unbezahltes Engagement“.  Geprägt von der 68er Bewegung habe er versucht einen Blick dafür zu bekommen, wie die […]

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Dieter Maretzky: Statt Karriere Zivilcourage

  Based on interview conducted by Christa Grawert-Wagner, ViLE e.V., Germany „Du brauchst dich nicht wundern, dass du bei der Stadt keine Karriere gemacht hast.“ Ganz offen hatte dies vor Jahren ein Ratsmitglied der Stadt Köln zu Dieter Maretzky gesagt. Aber das sei ihm schon klar gewesen, sagt der 64-jährige Diplom-Bilbiothekar. Denn oft habe er […]

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Interview with Mrs Hanna, an expert concerning hedgehogs

This interview was conducted by Paula Schweinberger, ViLE e.V., Germany In the picture you can see her with a hedgehog in her arms. This is a very unusual sight because hedgehogs are nocturnal animals hardly to be seen in daylight. This animal however was brought to her as a tiny ill baby. She fed it […]

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Interview with the Chairman of One World Association Oberursel

Interview with F.S., chairman of the One World Association Oberursel, for the project “tell me about your commitment.” The interview was conducted by Brigitte Höfer, ViLE e.V. Germany Some facts first: Oberursel is a town with 44,000 inhabitants. It is located in the north of Frankfurt at the foot of the Taunus mountains. In former […]

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Interview with Mr. Werner

Interview with Mr. Werner in Balmertshofen March 17th, 2011 The interview was held by Friedrich Sackmann, ViLE e.V. Group, Germany Comment: Mr. Ulrich Hans Werner is 70 years old and lives with his wife Elisabeth Werner-Pennther in Balmertshofen, a village in the small market town of Pfaffenhofen. The couple has two children and five grand-children. […]

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Interview with Mr. Josef Walz, Mayor of Pfaffenhofen

Interview with Mr. Josef Walz, Mayor of the market town of Pfaffenhofen an der Roth on January 12th, 2011 The interview as done by Friedrich and Angelika Sackmann, ViLE e.V. Group, Germany Comment: The small market town of Pfaffenhofen is centrally located in the administrative district of Neu-Ulm (Bavaria, Germany). It consists of 12 small […]

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Interview with Barbara and Gisbert Eppelt

Interview with Barbara and Gisbert Eppelt on March 3rd, 2011 in Volkertshofen (part of the small town of Pfaffenhofen) The interview was held by Angelika and Friedrich Sackmann, ViLE e.V.  Group, Germany Comment: Barbara (43) and Gisbert (46) have been married for 20 years and live in Volkertshofen a part of Pfaffenhofen. The couple has […]

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