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With President about Grundtvig Project.

With President about Grundtvig Project.

On 17th of June,  sunny Saturday, volunteers from SUTW, on invitation from  Mr Maciej Kobyliński-The acting President of city of Slupsk-were traveling to the nearbyplace ŁUPAWA. There, in the country home of the host, volunteers set to present their up to now progress in realization of the Grundtvig Project  “Tell me about your commitment”.All gathered on […]

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Thank You for the helping hand

Thank You for the helping hand

THE GIFT RIGHT FROM THE HEART  One of the point in the Final Report form calls for a description of “an added value”  of the “Tell me about your commitment” Project, which in the company of six different organizations comes to the completion within short time now. However, before the final farewell words will be […]

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The Grundtvig working visit to KADIS-Ljubljana.

The Grundtvig working visit to KADIS-Ljubljana.

Dear Marusa and Victorija. It is our pleasure to send you, on behalf of Slupsk’s University of Third Age group of Volunteers, our thanks for your hospitality during the recent visit to Ljubljana.The visit within the Grundtvig Project “Tell me about your commitment” gave us a possibility to get know  people of Slovenia, Slovenian  capital city of Ljubljana […]

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Meeting in Ljubljana By Neil Buchanan

The meeting in Ljubljana was a good event where people from diverse cultures but with common interests shared their roles in volunteering in different political and economic systems. The presentations on Slovenia’s experience of NGOs and Poland’s two-way volunteer links between the young and older people were enlightening and the presentation on future doctors volunteering […]

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My Volunatry Work – Mentoring by Neil Buchanan

During my career as a Chartered Civil Engineer, at my place of work I supervised graduates through their training and application for membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Separately, I was involved in voluntary Institution activities which included committee work, chairing the local Graduates and Students Section, advising graduates on their Written Assignments which […]

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Glasgow Mentoring by Jem Fraser

When Lynda from the University of Strathclyde first asked for volunteers for a research Project to provide adult mentors for senior pupils in a secondary school in a socially deprived area in Glasgow it felt like something I could do.  I was only working part time and the rest of the week I took part […]

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KADIS Meeting by Eleanor Crawford

After an early start in Glasgow we arrived at our hotel late afternoon and after a quick change we headed to the city centre where we managed a quick visit to the castle and surrounding area before meeting up with the rest of the groups for an excellent dinner at Restaurant Most. Next morning we […]

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Summary of our meeting in Slupsk

Here we have prepared a short summary of our meeting in Sluspk, Oct. 2011. Enjoy the memories     Konferencja grundtvig-oct-2011-1 ii  

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Rosi Müller: I’m volunteer in the project …….

Rosi Müller: I’m volunteer in the project …….

Rosi Müller from ViLE e.V., Germany, reports about the project “Ulmliner” in which she and other older volunteers and children with migration background from Ulm scholls work together on developing guided tours in Ulm.    -> Präsentation Ulmliner (PDF) Rosi Müller

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A letter to KADIS

Dear  Marusa and Viktorija and the team from Slovenia Thank you so much for organising such an interesting meeting In Slovenia.  I have received extremely positive feedback from the volunteers from Glasgow who participated in the meeting.  The agenda was well balanceD with a great mix of workshops and discussion, presentations, informal networking and cultural […]

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