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Sem Martina Petrič, študentka tretjega letnika na Pedagoški fakulteti v Kopru, smer Razredni pouk. Od nekdaj je bila v meni prisotna močna želja po delu z mlajšimi, zato sem tudi izbrala to fakulteto.  Že prvi dnevi obiskovanja univerze, so mi dali potrditev, da je bila moja izbira zares dobra. Moje prepričanje je še dodatno poglobila […]

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Ko sem se prvič soočila z vprašanjem kaj mi pomeni biti prostovoljka enostavno nisem vedela odgovora, saj je to že postalo del mene, del moje identitete.  S prostovoljstvom sem se prvič srečala v zadnjih letnikih osnovne šole, kjer so me kot »ta pametno« prosili če bi jim lahko pomagala pri matematiki. Od takrat sta iz […]

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Volleyball is a part of my life

Volleyball is a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started training, when I was 10 and I am still playing it at my age of 25. In this time I was playing it professionally in first Slovenian league, than when I started with college there was less and less […]

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Čistilna akcija 2011: Očistimo Metliko v enem dnevu

Na sončno soboto, 9. aprila 2011, se je zgodaj zjutraj prebudila ekipa Kud Plac in se v sodelovanju z Mestno skupnostjo Metlika odpravila na spomladansko čistilno akcijo Očistimo Metliko v enem dnevu, ki je nastala po vzoru ekološko naravnane akcije Očistimo Slovenijo v enem dnevu. Prva in največja vseslovenska čistilna akcija pod vodstvom Ekologov brez […]

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MY STORY (Tjaša amateur actress)

I’m an employer of Kadis 2002 and an amateur actress at Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana theatre, which is a society operating in the public interest in culture. It is supposedly the oldest permanent repertory amateur theatre in Europe, in fact, we are just now celebrating its 90th anniversary. In the cultural area of Ljubljana, our theatre […]

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Tjaša, ljubiteljska igralka

Tjaša je zaposlena na Kadisu 2002 in je ljubiteljska igralka v Šentjakobskem gledališču Ljubljana. Šentjakobsko gledališče ima status društva, ki deluje v javnem interesu na področju kulture in je domnevno najstarejše stalno repertoarno ljubiteljsko gledališče v Evropi. Trenutno praznuje 90. obletnico svojega delovanja. V ljubljanskem kulturnem prostoru ima specifičen položaj zaradi svojega polprofesionalnega značaja, saj […]

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Volunteering at the University of Strathclyde

The Senior Studies Institute provides opportunities for people over 50 to use their learning and life skills in a range of socially valuable contexts – as family members, active citizens and volunteers. This includes developing learning opportunities in areas not traditionally viewed as the domain of adult education. Many students at the Senior Studies Institute […]

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A case study – Intergenerational Mentoring

Though sixth year Springburn Academy pupil Jordan Blair wanted to study medicine at university, he didn’t know how to get in – so he made a doctor’s appointment to get advice.  Coincidentally his GP came from a similar working class background and knew the extra barriers faced in breaking into this profession. It was for […]

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Intergenerational Mentoring at the University of Strathclyde

A group of senior pupils in a school in a deprived are of Glasgow have been involved in a unique intergenerational mentoring programme.  The group were paired with retired volunteers from the University of Strathclyde Centre for Lifelong Learning.  While many educational initiatives focus on struggling pupils, this one was aimed at those who were […]

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Speaking Spanish by Isabel Howat

Some years ago I decided to take up Spanish as a mature student.  Part of my remit was an exam on the Spanish Civil War. My Spanish club was short of a speaker and I volunteered to deliver a talk on the Spanish Civil War.  It went down so well that various other clubs asked […]

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