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“Flashmeeting” between Slupsk and Ulm, 8th of March

On the 8th of March, 2012, we have met for the second time online our friends from Slupsk. We have used this time another technology than Skype: the “Flashmeeting”. It is online conferencing system provided by the Open University in the UK. It is more formal than Skype, only one person can talk at a […]

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Karmen Golob

Karmen Golob

I am a student of biology. I will graduate in the beginning 2011 at the university of Ljubljana. Voluntary work – personal experience: I  has been working with scouts for about one year. Mostly I work with children. – With three other women I organise and offer special workshops in schools in the field of […]

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Viktorija Drnovsek

Viktorija Drnovsek

Viktorija is employed in international projects in the fields of education and human resources. She works with parents and children from socially disprivileged backgrounds, helping in education and thus improving parents’ and children’s situation. She has participated in several Grundtvig Learning Partnerships. Viktorija worked as a full-time volunteer in the field of mediation (schools and […]

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Carmina Balcells

Carmina Balcells

Carmina Balcells Em dic Carmina Balcells Llor. Tinc 70 anys. Sóc de Barcelona i he viscut sempre en aquesta ciutat. Des de fa 20 anys col·laboro en un centre d’activitats per a la gent gran al barri del Guinardó: l’Associació Nou Horitzó. Durant aquests anys m’he dedicat a diverses tasques , totes elles molt gratificants. […]

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Vittorio Triscornia

Vittorio Triscornia

My name is Vittorio Triscornia, I have many years of voluntary experiences with different organization and on different fields. I would like highlight some of these experiences : -On 1995 I had been co-founder of the local chapter of Italian ONG Emergency and I had been on charge of its coordination during 8 years. -In […]

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The Croatian Folklore Group in Ulm – preserving national heritage of Croatia

Interview with Ms Matic, a teacher of the Croatian Folklore Group Interview conducted by: Paula Schweinberger, ViLE e.V., Germany Leadership of the group: Ms Michaela Babic Paula: Ms Matic, when I saw your group dancing in 2008, I was impressed immediately. And so I am very happy that your leader Ms Babic arranged this meeting, […]

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The way volontary activity developed in Poland

The way volontary activity developed in Poland

Dear “Tell me about your commitment” Friends. During our last meeting in Słupsk, we all watched with some pleasure relatively short video presented by Mr Piekarski of The Academia Pomorska in Słupsk. The video, with en English translation, shows “winding roads” along which volontary activity developed. “The winding roads” here mentioned  began in the early […]

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W Parlamencie Europejskim o Projekcie “Tell me about your commitment”

W Parlamencie Europejskim o Projekcie “Tell me about your commitment”

Przyjaciele “Tell me about your commitment”. Jako laureatka konkursu zorganizowanego przez polskiego Posła do Parlamentu Europejskiego -Jana Kozłowskiego, wraz grupą  35 wolontariuszy wyjechałam do Brukseli. Konkurs dotyczył tematyki Wolontariatu na terenie województwa pomorskiego.Byliśmy w różnym wieku, z różnych miejscowości, reprezentowaliśmy różne pola działalności wolontariackiej lecz łączyła nas  wspólna idea pracy na rzecz  osób trzecich, która […]

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Skype conference Slupsk-Ulm

On the 30th of November in the frame of the Grundtvig Workshop “The Use of the Internet for seniors – creative, cooperative, Europe-wide” that took place at ZAWiW of Ulm University, the senior participants of the workshop from Poland, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Germany had learned about the project “Tell me about […]

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The “Grundtvig” visit to Slupsk

The “Grundtvig” meeting from 11th to 14th of October 2011 in Slupsk In Vienna during the first meeting of all the participants, it was decided to hold a meeting in Slupsk, Poland. The Polish partners to the Project had had already enough experience in organizing similar meetings, however the importance of this meeting was overwhelming. […]

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