Short reports

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The letter to Glasgow

Dear Lynda. On behalf of The Slupsk University of Theird Age I would like in few words to express our Thanks for a memorable days we spent in Glasgow. Our stay in Glasgow, in connection with the project “Tell me about your commitment” was wonderful and therefore we thank you and  all of  your helpers for organizing the event. […]

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The Christmas Gift from Vienna

Dear Friends, Our last meeting “Tell me abut your commitment in October 2011 was in Slupsk. We remember and find it very fruitful and interesting. We could present our experiences but we could also learn about your experiences. We still benefit from being with you although it was such a short meeting. And now let […]

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“Flashmeeting” between Slupsk and Ulm, 8th of March

On the 8th of March, 2012, we have met for the second time online our friends from Slupsk. We have used this time another technology than Skype: the “Flashmeeting”. It is online conferencing system provided by the Open University in the UK. It is more formal than Skype, only one person can talk at a […]

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The way volontary activity developed in Poland

The way volontary activity developed in Poland

Dear “Tell me about your commitment” Friends. During our last meeting in Słupsk, we all watched with some pleasure relatively short video presented by Mr Piekarski of The Academia Pomorska in Słupsk. The video, with en English translation, shows “winding roads” along which volontary activity developed. “The winding roads” here mentioned  began in the early […]

My voluntary work

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Volleyball is a part of my life

Volleyball is a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started training, when I was 10 and I am still playing it at my age of 25. In this time I was playing it professionally in first Slovenian league, than when I started with college there was less and less […]

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MY STORY (Tjaša amateur actress)

I’m an employer of Kadis 2002 and an amateur actress at Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana theatre, which is a society operating in the public interest in culture. It is supposedly the oldest permanent repertory amateur theatre in Europe, in fact, we are just now celebrating its 90th anniversary. In the cultural area of Ljubljana, our theatre […]

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Tjaša, ljubiteljska igralka

Tjaša je zaposlena na Kadisu 2002 in je ljubiteljska igralka v Šentjakobskem gledališču Ljubljana. Šentjakobsko gledališče ima status društva, ki deluje v javnem interesu na področju kulture in je domnevno najstarejše stalno repertoarno ljubiteljsko gledališče v Evropi. Trenutno praznuje 90. obletnico svojega delovanja. V ljubljanskem kulturnem prostoru ima specifičen položaj zaradi svojega polprofesionalnega značaja, saj […]

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A case study – Intergenerational Mentoring

Though sixth year Springburn Academy pupil Jordan Blair wanted to study medicine at university, he didn’t know how to get in – so he made a doctor’s appointment to get advice.  Coincidentally his GP came from a similar working class background and knew the extra barriers faced in breaking into this profession. It was for […]

In my city & country

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What do I mean by “volunteering”?

Brigitte Duong

Since I am no longer professionally engaged and my family does not need me urgently for the everyday life, I try to apply my excess energy in the public life.

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Eröffnung der Veranstaltungsreihe „Erzähl mir von deinem Engagement”

Das erste Erzählcafe (Story-telling Café) in Ulm, ViLE e.V., Germany Montag, 4.10.2010, im Generationentreff Ulm/Neu-Ulm: Eröffnung der Veranstaltungsreihe „Erzähl mir von deinem Engagement“ Viele ältere Menschen sind in der freiwilligen Arbeit in unterschiedlichen Feldern tätig und leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur zivilen Gesellschaft. Das Verein ViLE e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ZAWIW der Universität […]